

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

A Frog in a Box?

Frog-O-Spheres, or EcoAquariums, are a current live animal fad in kid's toy stores. They are small plastic cubes (15 cm X 10 cm) that contain two dwarf African clawed frogs, a bamboo stalk, gravel, and a rock.

This captive habitat is lacking in several ways:

  • the cube is much too small for two frogs to behave normally
  • the cube doesn't provide places for the frogs to hide
  • the cube does not come with a thermometer or a heat source 
  • the care instructions suggest changing the water only every 3-4 months, which is not enough
  • the care instructions suggest feeding only pellets, without any live food items, or any variety
Keeping a wild animal in captivity requires research and specialized care. It is important to consider all the needs of an animal before deciding to keep one as a pet. Just because these frogs are small, cute, and inexpensive, doesn't mean it's ok to sell them as a disposable toy. 

Learn a lot more about frogs in cubes, as well as how you can help, at: Zoocheck's Perspectives.

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