

Sunday, 25 September 2011

Corky in Captivity

Corky is a female orca who has lived in captivity longer than any other orca. She was captured at the age of four from the Pacific Ocean near Vancouver Island. Corky has spent more than 40 years in captivity. During that time she has given birth seven times, but all of her calves died. In captivity, Corky doesn't have the freedom to hunt or to swim in the ocean.

If Corky had been allowed to live a normal life, she would have stayed with her family, hunted cooperatively, and travelled up to 100 kms a day in the open ocean. Imagine what it would be like if Corky could be returned to her wild home, back to the ocean with her family.

Thanks to students at Downtown Alternative School in Toronto for encouraging Sea World to consider a more natural habitat for Corky.

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